Can we really become addicted to love where our whole world revolves around loving someone else? It can be that we are constantly thinking of the other person and this love can even affect the way we sleep and the way we wake up. They are constantly on our mind. We try and fall asleep but our mind is constantly thinking about a future with the other person and our fantasies take over and our levels of excitement are so great that we cannot find our ability to concentrate on anything other than this overpowering love. We forget the rest of our lives for nothing feels real to us any more except needing this person to love us.
Love addiction is a painful place to end up for our feelings are only relying on how the other person responds to us. If they are happy then so are we, but if they do not give us the type of recognition that we so desire, our day becomes very anxious and negative for we are left feeling very empty.
Loving another is important for everyone but not when our sense of self is reliant on how someone else feels about us. When we only identify ourselves through how someone else loves us, we are not truly loving the other person, but using them to validate who we are and how we should feel. We must have a better sense of who we are in order to believe that someone else could love us. Love addicts are missing this quality!