people - Mindful Thinking

Defining Self

How did we become so small-minded when, as children, we basically did not discriminate until someone made fun of another who looked different or spoke differently, or was not “cool?” In order to feel accepted we “followed the leader” and shunned someone who we had nothing against, just to be part of a bigger picture.

Does this way of behaving go along with your moral belief system? Are you a hypocrite when it comes to “loving somebody,” by acting one way yet feeling another? Do you believe that we all have these prejudices, or, are they just the ideas put into us by our parents or the surroundings that we grew up in?

It is so important in this world to begin to understand that people are not just “good” or “bad,” but different from one another.

How did your parents see life? Are you similar to them, or have you rejected everything they stood for and gone in the opposite direction? Do you judge their belief systems as “negative,” and yours today as better? So much of who we become is a reaction to who our parents were. Have we done what they did and judged their beliefs as “wrong,” rather than trying to understand what they were taught? Can we even answer this question?

In your life journey, you need to define you, not through your past, but from what you need to uncover from it today. This is your journey!

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