One of the hardest tasks that we have as humans is learning how to be honest with ourselves. We can find so many ways to avoid the truth and blame others for what bad things happen to us in life and some of that might be true but the real issue is we lie to ourselves. We find so many excuses to why we didn’t accomplish something or didn’t take control of a situation but the real problem is we do not take responsibility for our own actions. It is always someone else’s fault or the situation was too hard to deal with. We can find numerous reasons why we didn’t do something that we needed to but the only become excuses for the real reason is we either were too afraid to confront the situation or we were just lazy and didn’t want to do it.
Taking responsibility for ourselves means we are not perfect and that we know that we can distort the truth about who we are to fit an image that we created for ourselves. We can make the world think of us as better than we really feel. We hide behind excuse after excuse but in our hearts, we know the truth about who we are. We know we don’t tell the truth. We all know when we lie about ourselves! Isn’t it time to shed the masks of perfection that we can hide behind and accept our own vulnerabilities and inadequacies so we can become better people? When we do this we grow as people who now can better understand others limitations without judging their value!