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Life’s Path

There are times when we get lost from our life path and go backward into thoughts, actions, and behaviors that we know inside of ourselves that are wrong. Why is it that we go back there?

We know at some level that we only feel bad when we are in this old place but we go there anyway. We have been too easy on ourselves and too caught up with the petty things of life, letting them annoy us when in fact, our journey is to let these go to free us from frustrations, and small angry pieces of life so we may have more clarity of what we are working on.

We forget what really is important to us. Yet we need these breaks from our path to understand once again what throws us off of it and who we become when we are not following it. We allow our ego to grab all the attention it can receive without understanding the consequences better, for we can lose touch with our path in life so easily.

We must remember that part of all of our journeys is the letting go of so many of our ego wants and demands!