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Part Time People

Well, welcome to the group of us who are “part-time people.” What is meant by “part-time people” is that half of the time we have the right intentions, but the rest of the time we tend to give up on the enormous tasks we have undertaken.

Are you disciplined enough to always show up at work on time and your desk is so organized that you can always find what you need, or are you always searching for something that you have inadvertently misplaced? Perhaps you grew up in a house that was so organized that if you left something out of place it was discarded, and it didn’t matter what it was! Maybe you grew up in a house that was always chaotic and messy, and you just got used to living without any discipline.

Often, children who had no true parenting were forced to make decisions for themselves at an early age, and often they made poor ones which resulted in big trouble. The consequences from that need to be that, as an adult, you discipline yourself to stop making those bad decisions. Without discipline, we do not develop “inner-discipline,” which is the ability to make good decisions and follow-through with them.

This is much harder to learn as adults, but do not think that you cannot change it. You have to want to develop new ways of dealing with your life. Do not tell Mindful Thinking that you can’t, or you are too old to change your ways.

When you decide that you want order in your life, you can develop discipline!

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