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Why is it that we lose patience with people so easily and it causes us to get so angry at others when they do not understand what we are trying to tell them? We never expected to get so angry when all we thought we were doing was trying to give someone else news that we felt that they would want to know.

It is so difficult to remain calm when someone doesn’t understand us and we become impatient with them for making us repeat ourselves, making us more angry. This can cause them to get more anxious and makes it even harder for them to understand what we are saying for they now feel our impatience and frustration and it can feel to them that our tone is putting them down.

This is not about others not understanding us but about ourselves and how we deal with our lack of patience. We must remember that not everyone can get on the same page that we are on in life and some have difficulty understanding things we say immediately. Some people need to go over things more than once in order for them to better understand us. It is the way that we speak to them that we must watch out for. They are not meaning to make us angry, they just do not understand us. Finding our patience and being able to convey the right tone is our responsibility not theirs!