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What has happened to the word “respect?” Does it mean the same thing it did fifty years ago? Why has that word become obsolete in our lives? When do we regain that feeling for one another in our families, relationships, schools, work or children? Are we just products of our society and accepting of the fact that there is no respect? Are we to just carry on as if the word no longer exists?

We first have to start with ourselves and get to start seeing who we are. Ask yourself this question, “Do I respect who I am, and are my behaviors in life worthy of respect?” If we can answer “yes” to that question, then do we give that respect to others or do we feel that they do not live up to the standard we have set for respect?

If you do not respect yourself, then how can you know what the word feels like? It would just be some “theory” we were following without any real meaning attached to it. You are the only real judge of your behavior, and inside you, there is this little voice that will tell you the truth about the word “respect.” Listen to it and learn from that little voice! This is called your “higher-self” and it is your “gut” feeling. It does not betray us, we betray it! How many times have you heard it and then ignored the message? Were you right? It is truly doubtful, for when we go against it trouble usually follows.

Today is the day to decide that you will overcome your “negativity” and start to change your disrespectful behavior into respect for yourself.

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